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1. What if spring lasted forever? "Mechanical Spring" is a concept based off of a tree that grows in the front yard of my childhood home. Every spring, it would bloom just to lose every single flower in a thunderstorm. I wanted to try and create a kind of "eternal" spring through the use of motors and light sensors.

2. What would a morning without birds sound like? Mourning Bird(s)" is a concept combining the idea of new beginnings and endings in a simple piece with a dead bird/birds as the focal point. Birds are often heard chirping in the mornings, so I wanted to focus on the absence of birds in this piece by having soft classical music and street sounds played when light hits the piece. Ideally, this piece would only play the audio in the early morning.

3. What if a flower never died? "Constant Bloom" is a concept that's also focused on increasing the longevity of natural occurrences (like a flower's bloom). I wanted to extend the bloom by recreating a peony or some other flower and having it bloom in sunlight. A simpler version of this might have the flower follow the source of light.

4. This concept is more of a personal interest. Due to my love for dogs and knowledge of Laika's tragic death, I've always wanted to create a piece dedicated to her. Titled "Good Dog", this piece will be make on tulle, with embroidered stars, the Earth, and Laika playing without care on top of the Earth.



Since I first brainstormed for this project, I decided to take a turn and look towards music boxes. I wanted to create a portable sense of calm, which led to the idea of creating a music box that would only play when closed. It emulates when things happen in another room, with the muffled audio containing sounds like classical music, people speaking, and the soft patter of rain hitting the window.


As of right now, the music box functions with a pause/play button along with a physical box to put the arduino and speaker inside. Current issues deal with the light sensor and power supply needed for the box. To test the speakers and other components for the box, it currently plays Canon in D (by violins).



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